Machine Learning Toys in AWS

Siju Michael
4 min readSep 18, 2020


AWS Offers a variety of cloud ready to use services, lets see what all experiments we did during 2020 Summer Vacation, specially for Machine Learning Toys oh no Tools, hmm lets make it Devices 😊

Its all about a Daddy & Daughter trying out AWS services to make learnings more fun.

AWS Journey of Daddy & Daughter

AWS DeepComposer

When she asked me about how to play piano, I was clueless without any music background. To be transparent I never tried any music instruments seriously in my life. But as a father I would love to help by providing some insight to music, at least make her piano class more interesting.

All I know was working with various technologies and making things automatic for better life for people, so that they can keep smiling always.

One night during my usual browse over tech stacks, I came across AWS DeepComposer, wow interesting item !!! I was looking to buy one immediately so that I can play with that and introduce to my daughter. But it was not readily available in open market. Not ready to give up, so signed for first purchase when available. Waited waited… finally got this email.

One of the waited emails in a Dad’s inbox.

Finally got one in hand and here comes how we explored our AWS DeepComposer. Now I can compose music haha πŸ˜†. Proud Dad woo hoo πŸ‘πŸ½

We got some more boost from #cloudguru.

More and more exciting items started flowing …..

Got an email from the Amazon team to participate in DeepComposer Chartbuster. πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ½.

We decided to explore that and submitted our Great Hickory-Dickory-Doc & Are-You-Sleeping. No prizes or follow up from the Chartbusters team but we enjoyed. Also this gave a chance to explore the Sound Cloud and was easy to explain for a 7 year old.

Again proud Dad πŸ˜‰πŸ‘πŸ½

AWS Educate Journey

After all these exciting item AWS become a know word in our home for Daddy, Daughter and of course Mom (working in AWS, Tableau & Snowflakes). It’s still the great 2020 school vacation, what we can do to make days and days more interesting.

Yes we applied for AWS Educate program, but got this sad reply πŸ˜”

Days passed in summer vacation like years 😊.

Here comes Capital One as a savior. Great news there is DeepRacer competition for Kid during summer vacation woo hoo the dancing moments… We completed the registration, again that need an aws educate account, hopeless moments again.

But the Capital One magic worked out, we got the application approved.

AWS DeepRacer Badge after Completing a small Course in AWS Educate

AWS DeepRacer

She participated and had lots and lots of FUN. What an exciting race….! 😍

After the final race day, we were still talking about AWS and to boost that here comes a package full of swags for my daughter from Capital One.

Proud Daughter this time πŸ˜πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ½

Please take a look at that complete journey here in the form of YouTube video.

We are still in the journey of never ending exploration for exciting technologies to have fun and help others.

Homemade Track

Let’s make life easy with technologies around us even if its a small fun time when really needed …. πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ˜Š



Siju Michael

Living in the Cloud with a design to delivery mindset by solving problems & Loving different tech stacks. More than Tech, a person who Loves to Help others.